Podcasts Tutorials & Info Mk1.0.1
15 years ago
Here i have collected a few podcasts that will hopefully help you discover new features or get to grips with the basics.
Have fun!
Note:- You will need iTunes installed to use some content.
Academy Class !!!NEW!!!
Exceptional courses covering a wide variety of subjects.
They do how ever have an amazing selection of courses for Finalcut.
From work shops to one on one tuition on an apple certified course.
This course has all sorts of grate benefits, for instance if you finish the course but don't use what you have learned right away, you can go back within a year and do it again FREE!
Also check out Skill-set in you local area as they could pay for the course for you. ( I have looked at the website, sadly the budget for England a Wales to seams be done for the rest of the financial year, but Scotland is still open. Give them a call still and ask though!)
If you are in the UK i would strongly recommend giving these guys a call they are very nice and helpful.
Creative Cow.
This forum is full of great people ready to help a moments notice they have a podcast available on iTunes. And they also have downloads on the forums so you can try out content from the podcasts your self.
Digital Heaven Tutorials
Videos and freeware (OSX) all for Final Cut.
Learn Final Cut pro 6
Podcasts for Final Cut as well as Adobe and a host of other software packages as well as a forum and blog. New sections of the site coming soon.
Pixel Corps
They have alot of content on there site including Final cut tutorials and info on updates to podcasts on the essentials to life on the set.
Media editing for dummies
This site has a more broad range of podcasts for iLife software and final cut express. Though not the most detailed its certainly a good resource for people starting off on OSX and finding there feet.
Studio 006
Intended for beginners and intermediate users this site provides podcasts of various software such as Final Cut, Photoshop, quicktime, shake, motion and more.
There is also alot of info on Pro software as well as how-to's on apple website.
Pro Application Training Resources
Final cut Express tutorials
Resources for downloads plug-ins and tutorials on the web
Final cut Express 4 user manual.
Apple Pro software help library
Well that is it for now as I'm shattered, but expect more content to make it's way on to this group soon.
Got any resources that you think would be great on this group? Send me a note and i will get it added.
Have fun!
Note:- You will need iTunes installed to use some content.
Academy Class !!!NEW!!!
Exceptional courses covering a wide variety of subjects.
They do how ever have an amazing selection of courses for Finalcut.
From work shops to one on one tuition on an apple certified course.
This course has all sorts of grate benefits, for instance if you finish the course but don't use what you have learned right away, you can go back within a year and do it again FREE!
Also check out Skill-set in you local area as they could pay for the course for you. ( I have looked at the website, sadly the budget for England a Wales to seams be done for the rest of the financial year, but Scotland is still open. Give them a call still and ask though!)
If you are in the UK i would strongly recommend giving these guys a call they are very nice and helpful.
Creative Cow.
This forum is full of great people ready to help a moments notice they have a podcast available on iTunes. And they also have downloads on the forums so you can try out content from the podcasts your self.
Digital Heaven Tutorials
Videos and freeware (OSX) all for Final Cut.
Learn Final Cut pro 6
Podcasts for Final Cut as well as Adobe and a host of other software packages as well as a forum and blog. New sections of the site coming soon.
Pixel Corps
They have alot of content on there site including Final cut tutorials and info on updates to podcasts on the essentials to life on the set.
Media editing for dummies
This site has a more broad range of podcasts for iLife software and final cut express. Though not the most detailed its certainly a good resource for people starting off on OSX and finding there feet.
Studio 006
Intended for beginners and intermediate users this site provides podcasts of various software such as Final Cut, Photoshop, quicktime, shake, motion and more.
There is also alot of info on Pro software as well as how-to's on apple website.
Pro Application Training Resources
Final cut Express tutorials
Resources for downloads plug-ins and tutorials on the web
Final cut Express 4 user manual.
Apple Pro software help library
Well that is it for now as I'm shattered, but expect more content to make it's way on to this group soon.
Got any resources that you think would be great on this group? Send me a note and i will get it added.
I might even resurrect an old old web page, as good as FA is it wasn't built for much more than art, commissions and the occasional bout of drama.