Tattoo Thoughts!
10 years ago
It’s probably too early to think about but, for my 18th next year I’m planning to get a tattoo, which to some doesn’t sound like a huge deal, but I dunno I’m kinda worried about placement issues. Well firstly, my pain threshold is eh… so so, I can take pain pretty well, so that doesn’t scare me all too much!
But I’m planning on getting my first tattoo on my upper thigh, problem is I’m a fairy curvy chubby girl, I have thick thighs, so I was concerned that I may have issues with the ink not staying or the tattoo looking stretched etc. Does anyone have any thoughts or tips on this factor? Because I don’t want to pay 300-500 on something that isn’t guaranteed to last?
Next issue/concern, I’ve no idea who I want to design my tattoo, Id really like to spend 100 on a decently designed piece, all I know is that I want it pastel themed, but from there I’m clueless, how do I come up with an idea? Or should I just pay an artist to go wild and design me something beautiful, I’ve no idea. But my parents said I should think long and hard about it before my 18th birthday so I’m 100% ready and prepared for when I get it booked etc.
So yeah!! Thoughts, help please? X3
But I’m planning on getting my first tattoo on my upper thigh, problem is I’m a fairy curvy chubby girl, I have thick thighs, so I was concerned that I may have issues with the ink not staying or the tattoo looking stretched etc. Does anyone have any thoughts or tips on this factor? Because I don’t want to pay 300-500 on something that isn’t guaranteed to last?
Next issue/concern, I’ve no idea who I want to design my tattoo, Id really like to spend 100 on a decently designed piece, all I know is that I want it pastel themed, but from there I’m clueless, how do I come up with an idea? Or should I just pay an artist to go wild and design me something beautiful, I’ve no idea. But my parents said I should think long and hard about it before my 18th birthday so I’m 100% ready and prepared for when I get it booked etc.
So yeah!! Thoughts, help please? X3
The piece won't stretch or distort if you are loosing or gaining weight gradually... it MIGHT if you suddenly lose like 25kgs overnight or gain that much but other than in that instance it shouldn't really change. Just google it and also talk to whatever artist you are planning to go to.
As for designing your tattoo.. I have quite a few and all have been designed by either me or my artists... I usually find that the artist designs really well as they're the one who is going to do the piece, show them lots of references what you would like and what you want in it and they will draw it out for you usually. Research an artist that does stuff similar to what you want and go from there, though you can pay someone to design you a piece it might not always come out like you want if someone other than the tattooist has designed it (in my opinion but i might by wrong since i did my calf piece myself and it came out awesome and different to how the artist would usually do stuff... ) just remember to communicate with your tattoo artist; get them to tell you what they think would be better and give their opinions on it all.
Talk to me if you want any other advice, I love tattoos and I have only 5 at the moment but plan to get alot more when I have the money. I think long and hard about what i get and do lots of research.