Search Results for: This is call

Attaka Milk No Shiboriai (“Squeezing Out Each Other’s Warm Milk”) [English], by Awayume

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

Hurry up and marry that girl, male MC-kun!

Almost zero censorship, good mutually consensual sex, splendid art, a horny succubus, a promising ending… No complaints from me, here is a lively simple share about a highschool girl revealing to a male class mate that she’s a succubus =)

Thanks to Cube, None123 and Pr1de, from the EHCove, for this release! :jap:

By the same artist, called Awayume or Yusaritsukata (circle), I also share Chiisana Nii-san Genki Ni Natte (Uncensored), Anata To Nara, Watashi No Kawaii Onii-chan, Guutara Suzuya No Manekarezaru Kyaku, Anata No Kaori Ni Sasowarete, Suzuya To Natsu Love Vacation, Suzuya To Cos Resort, Call me, Alice, Samugarikko and Yawaraka Lip No H Na Sasoi.

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Tomodachi No Haha Wa Boku No Mono (“My Friend’s Mother Is Mine”) [English, 102 pictures], by Nishikawa Kou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Hentai with this little censorship... Haaaa...

What a huge bunch of motherfuckers :D

The story starts with 2 highschool boys interested in each other’s moms, the first mom becomes a sexfriend just because she’s lusty, the second mother must be raped in her sleep, but anyway, it doesn’t take long for them to be converted to stopping caring and loving dick, even when their own sons joins, because why not.
More mothers follow, with the same pattern, and basically in the end every mother and every student male student is welcome to the perpetual group orgy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No point in judging when it is amoral, the drawings are very intense, hardly even censored at all, with tons of impact, for vaginal and double penetrations, in terms of pure art, that was very high quality, niiiiice! :shock:

This is an Amoskandy release, thank you, and enjoy, folks! :jap:

–Update: good news, this share has become obsolete. It’s now part of the manga with the same name, the full tankoubon, 256 pictures in total:
Tomodachi No Haha Wa Boku No Mono :)

Kitto Onee-chan Yori (“No Doubt, Even Better Than Sis”) [English], by Jorori

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

The male MC's penis became an SMG. Unsurprising.

Tim and LearnJPwithH, thank you for this, bring us a simple and pleasant release, looking fucking GREAT, with a realistically drawn girl, who simply can’t bear anymore that her private tutor is only having sex with her sister. She too wants a piece, and helps herself eventually ^^

I was taken by her passionate facial expressions, I think, in my eyes, that’s clearly several folds above your average daily hentai production, hats off!!

By the same artist, my other shares are either fun: Danchou, Onegaishimasu!, or intensely vanilla: Natsu To Jun (“Summer And Innocence”), Daisuki + Will You Marry Me + Kinenbi and Nanka Ii Koto Atta (“Did Something Good Happen?”).

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Million Baby [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Idolm@ster Million Live, by Nekoi Mie

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

This here is bound to please a certain fan of assertive girls

Shiho Kitazawa and Shizuka Mogami, two idols from the Idolm@ster Million Live game (can you spot the “thing” with the first result I got when I ran a google search to find more about the game?), enjoy their usual threesome with their producer. That’s it ^^

Graphically, it wasn’t too censored, I felt, and Nekoi Mie (circle Manga Super) has a unique, most original and praiseworthy art style, it was splendid (in case you’re after the kinky stuff, apologies, it’s only vaginal sex and blowjobs!).

Enjoy! And thanks to Doujin-Moe :)

(For MORE by Nekoi Mie/Manga Super, Cf. the list of all his shares!)

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Kyou Dakeno Kanojo (“One Day Girlfriend”) [English], by Hitotsuba

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

Just the right amount of meat. ITADAKIMASUUUUUUU

I have the impression I have already read that story O_o
Either I’ve seen it under a different name (and then: my bad!), or it’s simply the story is very stereotypical. Calling it stereotypical is a description, not a criticism, it’s not necessarily bad that a scenario follows tracks and use a predictable route, as long as it’s done well =)
And it IS done well :D

This share combines a female bookworm, with glasses and big breasts, an irresistible (because… no clue, but that’s a thing anyway) shota boy, and a mutual discovery of the greatness of hentai mangas, leading to predictable consequences. The ending was pretty cute, at least that was an original touch :)

Thanks to Desudesu and Taco! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Guuzen Matchmaking, Succubus Ecchi, Boku To Onee-chan No Natsuyasumi and Yume Utsutsu.

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Kotatsu De Mikan [English], by Mikuron

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 10 comments

I loved that picture: the moment you stop pretending and embrace everything that was boiling inside you.

Two childhood friends became boyfriend and girlfriend once they reached highschool. However the boy wanted more than the girl even thought of offering (we’re reaching rare “pure” levels, I know.)
Past a moment of cringe (for me and my pure maiden’s heart), the rest was pretty okay sex, with the girl awakened at last to the interest of sex.

That said, hold your horses before hitting any download button, check the gallery first, you’ll find the images are censored to death, so maybe that won’t be worth it this time. I mean, it’s your call =)

It’s been released by MrBubbles, thank you! :jap:

By the same artist, known as Chiyoda Micro and Mikuron, I also share Hamehame Douga On Air.

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Ibunka Ran Kouryuu Zenpen + Kouhen [English, 58 pictures], by Mitsuba Minoru

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 13 comments


I counted the pages: this manga is 75.86% excellent sex.
The last 24.13%, the final 14 pages… oh god lol I shouldn’t laugh they were horrible, I’m going to hell for laughing so hard, again, at that I’m sorry I’m still laughing as I’m typing

sorry, I took a keyboard break, I’m back now. So. The last 14 pages. I can’t describe what happens, because it’s spoiler territory, I shall only speak one word: “yandere”. Oh oh oh, yeah, yandere calls it :lol:

Let’s give this manga a less chaotic introduction: for some unknown reason, two maximum babes like a Japanese young man, and they have great sex, a bit in threesome but mostly separately, without having any problem in the world.
Both girls are busty, one of them has amazing breasts, the other one sports nice hotpants and delicious dark skin.

I’ll let you find out the rest, I apologize, I shouldn’t have laughed ^^;;
Thanks a LOT to Nisor for this one of a kind hentai release :)

By the same artist, I also share Futago Yuugi, Hina Asobi and Himigoto Escalate.

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