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31 March 2025
30 March 2025
- diffhist Tomás Estrada Palma 20:16 −15 WB3847927 talk contribs Tags: Visual edit Newcomer task Newcomer task: references
- diffhist m Venezuela 19:26 +1 Pppery (alt) talk contribs (Cleanup) Tag: AWB
- diffhist m Che Guevara 16:26 −523 Kaotao talk contribs (→World travel: Said earlier.) Tags: Mobile edit Mobile app edit Android app edit App select source
- diffhist m Che Guevara 15:21 −69 Kaotao talk contribs (→Bay of Pigs and Four Year Plan: ce) Tags: Mobile edit Mobile app edit Android app edit App select source
- diffhist Venezuela 12:46 −13 Dexmed talk contribs (not in source) Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- diffhist Cuba 06:05 −4 Meters talk contribs (Undid revision 1282980623 by IloveJonjones123 (talk) that is a circular link) Tag: Undo
- diffhist Module:Lang 02:04 −233 Uzume talk contribs (remove deprecated APIs)
- diffhist m Module:Lang/configuration 01:23 −2 Uzume talk contribs (remove ambiguous references to "_transl")
- diffhist Module:Lang 00:48 +305 Uzume talk contribs (remove ambiguous references to "transl" and "_transl" and cleanup comments)
29 March 2025
- diffhist Cuba 19:05 +4 SpainMMAfan123 talk contribs Tag: Reverted
- diffhist m United States 16:12 +178 GrapesRock talk contribs (→Westward expansion and Civil War (1800–1865): Add archive link to dead national park link)
- diffhist Cuba 15:02 +6 Ecpiandy talk contribs (not page title)
- diffhist Carlos Manuel de Céspedes y Quesada 14:37 −25 Smasongarrison talk contribs (−Category:Expatriates in the United States; ±Category:Cuban expatriates→Category:Cuban expatriates in the United States using HotCat)
- diffhist United States 14:30 +21 Maxeto0910 talk contribs (→Mass media) Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- diffhist m Prime Minister of Cuba 13:28 +50 Dl2000 talk contribs (repair template damage; need ref)
- diffhist Raúl Castro 13:17 +289 Guylaen talk contribs (→Normalization of relations with the United States: added image) Tag: Visual edit
- diffhist Cuba 09:10 −236 Brainiac242 talk contribs (Cuba is one of the countries with the lowest linguistic diversity, the entire native population speaks Spanish. Only immigrants might speak in a different language, and there are barely any.) Tag: 2017 wikitext editor
- diffhist Cuba 07:56 +21 SpainMMAfan123 talk contribs
- diffhist Prime Minister of Cuba 02:07 −417 Diegobcardenas talk contribs
28 March 2025
- diffhist United States 21:33 +1 Maxeto0910 talk contribs (period after sentence) Tags: Visual edit Mobile edit Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- diffhist United States 21:04 +6 Maxeto0910 talk contribs Tags: Visual edit Mobile edit Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- diffhist United States 19:47 +1 Maxeto0910 talk contribs (more accurate) Tags: Visual edit Mobile edit Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- diffhist Alfredo Zayas y Alfonso 18:02 +100 Guylaen talk contribs (added infobox information) Tag: Visual edit
- diffhist Venezuela 17:37 −162 Remsense talk contribs (Undid revision 1282782716 by RickySarzus (talk): pushes content down the page, random lithograph has little illustrative value for readers) Tag: Undo
- diffhist Alfredo Zayas y Alfonso 16:34 +475 Guylaen talk contribs (added infobox information) Tag: Visual edit
- diffhist Venezuela 15:44 +162 RickySarzus talk contribs (→Etymology) Tags: Reverted Mobile edit Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
- diffhist New York (state) 07:33 +149 talk (→Race and ethnicity)
- diffhist New York (state) 07:27 +61 talk (→Race and ethnicity)
- diffhist New York (state) 07:26 +130 talk (→Race and ethnicity)
- diffhist New York (state) 07:22 −1 talk (→Race and ethnicity)
- diffhist New York (state) 07:22 −586 talk (→Race and ethnicity: Britannica is an unreliable source for demographics.) Tag: references removed
- diffhist United States 06:40 −966 Moxy talk contribs (Restored revision 1282554111 by CAVincent (talk): Restore propose changes on talk as you have been asked before ....4th revert of these changes) Tags: Twinkle Undo
- diffhist m United States 06:36 +3 Plumber talk contribs (→Cold War (1945–1991)) Tag: Reverted
- diffhist United States 06:34 +174 Plumber talk contribs (→Cold War (1945–1991)) Tag: Reverted
- diffhist m United States 06:33 +5 Plumber talk contribs (→Westward expansion and Civil War (1800–1865)) Tag: Reverted
- diffhist United States 06:32 +784 Plumber talk contribs (restored images removed without any discussion; Wikipedia:WikiProject_Countries#Galleries is clear that "generally discouraged" is not the same as forbidden) Tag: Reverted
27 March 2025
- diffhist New York (state) 18:15 −17 Remsense talk contribs (Undid revision 1282641134 by Wikideas1 (talk) restore previous vector replaced with an unsourced raster) Tags: Undo Mobile edit Mobile app edit iOS app edit App undo
- diffhist New York (state) 18:10 +17 Wikideas1 talk contribs (→Administrative divisions: Newer map) Tag: Reverted
- diffhist m New York (state) 14:22 +3 Ankermast talk contribs (Reverted edit by Aiden5329 (talk) to last version by ClueBot NG) Tag: Rollback
- diffhist New York (state) 14:21 −3 Aiden5329 talk contribs Tag: Reverted
- diffhist m New York (state) 14:15 +8 ClueBot NG talk contribs (Reverting possible vandalism by Aiden5329 to version by Report False Positive? Thanks, ClueBot NG. (4384908) (Bot)) Tag: Rollback
- diffhist New York (state) 14:14 −8 Aiden5329 talk contribs Tag: Reverted
- diffhist Guevarism 05:12 +40 Mangokeylime talk contribs (added sidebar)
- diffhist Guevarism 05:09 +24 Mangokeylime talk contribs (→Details: added image)
- diffhist Che Guevara 04:36 +904 Mangokeylime talk contribs (→Ideological influence in Argentina: added info and image)
- diffhist United States 03:40 −21 CAVincent talk contribs (revert recent addition; there's no reason to explain in the opening sentence that North America is a continent) Tag: Manual revert
26 March 2025
- diffhist New York (state) 10:55 +327 talk (→Race and ethnicity)
- diffhist New York (state) 10:49 −299 Remsense talk contribs (Undid revision 1282430903 by (talk): even vaguer, even less clearly connected to what came before) Tag: Undo
- diffhist New York (state) 10:48 +299 talk (→Race and ethnicity) Tag: Reverted